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FMS Go Bags on the GO!

We're always on the move, so we've created this fun page to document our adventures & yours!
Where we've been:

This is where we keep the photos of everywhere we've gone with our FMS Go Bags. Check back often because we're always on the GO somewhere!

How we roll:

Here, we will be posting photos of different FMS Go Bag & Module configurations. We'll post the ones we use and we'd love it if you'd send us some pics of how you've "modded-out" your FMS Go Bag. You send 'em and we'll post 'em! 


*Only share tasteful and appropriate photos please. 

Where are you taking us?

We would really like to see and share your adventures with your FMS Go Bag! Send us some pics of where you and your Go Bag have been. 


*Again, only tasteful and appropriate photos please. 

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